Independent American Western Animation
Indie AWA is an online virtual studio for freelance 2D animators, cartoonists, and independent filmmakers. We are dedicated to nurturing new talent and bringing a fresh perspective to the industry. Our focus is on creating captivating short film projects that leave a lasting impression.
Our Story
There is a clear cultural disconnect between the East and West when it comes to adult 2D animation. While the East is constantly producing new shows on a monthly or even weekly basis, the West seems to be stuck in a rut with the same old raunchy family sitcom format. Our country has made great strides in advancing the medium, but now we seem to be too afraid to take risks on new IPs. It's time for us Patriots to step up and reclaim the cartoon industry!

Our Decloration
At Indie AWA, we prioritize the freedom to be able draw what you want, whenever you want just like how our founders envisioned in the Constitution. Without the burden of being land-locked to a physical building, we can freely recruit entry-level animators to work remotely from the convenience of their home with our virtual studio.
We subcontract entry-level animators to produce original shorts on social media. If we like your art, we'll contact you and agree on payment before collaborating remotely through Discord until the project is finished.
Production Pipeline
We empower our artists with creative freedom, allowing them to explore different techniques such as 2D, 3D, stop motion and puppet animation to push the boundaries of traditional animation.
Content Creation
Consistently uploading new animations every month is a great way to build a loyal audience on social media. It also helps our team to improve our skills and meet deadlines more efficiently.

Our Shorts

All Star Team.
The Animators.